Eaglebrook Students Compete in Math Contests

By Joe Elias, Eaglebrook Math Department Chair
The Eaglebrook Mathematics Program had a renewed vigor and interest in contests and competitions this past year. We had over 70 students participate in the AMC 8 (American Mathematics Competition, for students in 8th grade and below) and another 40 compete in the AMC 10. One student, Honglin Zhu ’18, actually earned the honor of competing in the Junior Mathematics Olympics.
The Eaglebrook Math Team competed in two contests at the end of the year. In the Purple Comet International Contest, we were in the 82 percentile in the high school division (1-1200 student population). We then earned a second place finish at the Deerfield Academy Middle School Competition, and Honglin earned the top student award. At Deerfield, we competed with many of our peer independent middle schools and several of the local public schools. Our team consisted of Honglin Zhu, Sean Meng ’18, William Situ ’19, Alex Alexandrovskiy ’18, and Joshua Baptiste ’18. Several of the team members and other students who could not participate in these competitions led our first year of EBS Peer Tutoring that occurred during Saturday Morning Activity time over the course of the year.
Learn more about the math program and other academic programs at www.eaglebrook.org/academics.
271 Pine Nook Road   |   P. O. Box 7   |    Deerfield, MA 01342   |   413-774-7411