Required Book For Students Entering Grade 6 (Third Form) in September

Required Reader #1: Brian’s Winter by Gary Paulsen.

From Goodreads, “He would have to find some way to protect himself, some weapon. The fire worked well when it was burning, but it had burned down. His hatchet and knife would have done nothing more than make the bear really angry -- something he did not like to think about -- and his bow was good only for smaller game. He had never tried to shoot anything bigger than a fool bird or rabbit with it and doubted that the bow would push the arrow deep enough to do anything but -- again -- make the bear really mad.”

  • There will be a short unit focused on this book to start the year.
  • After finishing Chapters 1-6, write a letter to Brian that tells him your thoughts and feelings, include examples from the text, and offer Brian advice to help him prepare for what you think might happen in the next section.
  • After finishing Chapters 7-12, write a second letter to Brian that tells him your thoughts and feelings, include examples from the text, and offer Brian advice to help him prepare for what you think might happen in the next section.
  • After finishing Chapters 13-17, write a third letter to Brian that tells him the changes you have noticed in him throughout the book, using specific examples from the text to point out the significant lessons that caused these changes.
  • Bring the book and your letters with you to school and make sure it is fresh in your mind.
271 Pine Nook Road   |   P. O. Box 7   |    Deerfield, MA 01342   |   413-774-7411