Eaglebrook Competitive Ski Team Visits Gould Academy

The Eaglebrook Competitive Ski Team embarked on an exciting journey last weekend, heading north to Gould Academy in Maine for a thrilling rendezvous with their ski team at Sunday River. Guided by two enthusiastic students deeply involved in the ski program, Eaglebrook students were treated to an immersive tour of Gould Academy's impressive facilities and classrooms.

Dedicated time with a Gould Academy coach proved transformative for the boys, as they unlocked the secrets of the outstanding terrain and reveled in the fantastic snow conditions. In the later afternoon, another coach led a trampoline training session focused on mastering bodily control for the slopes.

The four-hour drive through Vermont and the White Mountains served as a bonding experience for the team, solidifying the camaraderie that makes these adventures truly memorable. Gould Academy, with its seamless blend of academic excellence and top-notch athletic and outdoor opportunities, proved to be an enchanting discovery for the Eaglebrook Competitive Ski team.

A heartfelt thank you was extended to Gould Academy for crafting an unforgettable trip that showcased the best of what the school has to offer.
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