JV2 Basketball vs. Mahar

The JV 2 basketball team played a tight game against a Mahar team that had depth and discipline. Coach Wool was also scheming and figuring out a lineup while the Eaglebrook players prepared. Nothing went in the basket in the first two quarters--well, almost nothing. We had six points with three minutes remaining in the second period. Alex W. '25 got some late minutes and helped the defense move, as did Chase B. '23. At times it looked like Chase was the only one trying to get penetration. As a result of being kept out of the paint, all of our shots were either from too far out, or the ball was stripped when the occasional player tried to thread his way through the blue jerseys. Mental errors lost the game at the end. The Eagles were up by two late in the fourth period but threw the ball away into an untenanted backcourt twice, and once to a Mahar defender. Coach Wool was very good in his opening debut. His substitutions were the right ones and his advice was spot on.
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