Arts Outreach: Eaglebrook to Nigeria

By Midori Tabery, Eaglebrook Art Teacher
Each Martin Luther King Day people across the United States engage in service projects. Often this means volunteering time and labor to help an individual or a neighborhood.

This year approximately thirty Sixth Form students from Eaglebrook participated in The Memory Project, an organization "connecting youth around the world through art to help build cultural understanding and international kindness." Students in the U.S. make personalized art that offers encouragement and support for children in challenging living situations in other countries. In the past, Eaglebrook students have connected with students in Russia, Syria, and Cameroon.

This year Eaglebrook students were matched with students from Nigeria. We learned a bit about the beauty of this country, its many resources, and some challenges that children in particular face. A photograph of a Nigerian child along with a statement of their hopes and dreams inspired a personal connection. In a few short hours, our students created wonderfully dynamic and highly individualized artwork that then traveled back to Nigeria in March.

Please watch the video we received from Nigeria and witness the excitement of over 1,000 children receiving artwork from U.S. students like ours engaged in "creating a kinder world through art."
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