A Health-Based Approach to Drug & Alcohol Education

Eaglebrook students had three days of classes with educators from Freedom from Chemical Dependency or FCD. Students are assigned in groups by Form and spend that time asking questions, learning from the FCD educators how to make healthy choices, and finding out what “normal” teenagers actually do. “No question is a bad question,” FCD educator John Tummon told Eaglebrook faculty members when he spoke to them on the first day. The FCD educators also ask the students questions, to see where their perceptions lie. “Many students believe that drug and alcohol abuse is rampant in high schools and college, but the data shows the opposite, that most kids lead healthy lives,” Tummon reiterated. He explained that kids need to be supported in their choice to lead healthy lives.
Andy Bedell, Eaglebrook’s FCD coordinator, had this to say about the recent workshops, “Eaglebrook has been working with the educators from FCD for more than 30 years. The educators discuss the dangers of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs from a health-based perspective, with a particular focus on the dangers to the developing teenage brain. It is my belief, as well as FCD's, that arming students with facts, as well as informing them of the normative behavior of their age group, will help them make healthier choices now and throughout their lives.”
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