The Memory Project

By Midori Tabery, Eaglebrook Art Teacher
What does the word ‘Russia’ bring to mind?
Nesting dolls? Fur hats and Siberian winters? Our Cold War enemy?
Actually Russia, like every country, is made of many families with children who live with an abundance of love. There are also children who begin life with a great deal of struggle. Russia is home to some 26.5 million children under the age of 18. For a variety of reasons, currently 1.8 million are homeless and neglected. Many live in state-run residential facilities or schools.
This winter five Eaglebrook boys: Theo Bass, Eugenio Alanis, Pearson Miller, Huck Jamison, and Mack Pattee participated in The Memory Project – a group that partners with organizations worldwide to address the challenges of homeless youth. The Memory Project connects young artists in the US with these children through artwork. Our five students created portraits for these kids aged 4-16. They also shared photos of themselves and short messages in Cyrillic.
When we mailed the finished portraits in March it was hard to imagine the lives of the children receiving the work. Watch the video  to see this simple act of kindness that a Russian newspaper titled, "From America with Love."  
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