Health - Fifth Form

Health is a required trimester course that emphasizes the importance of understanding the foundations of the health triangle: mental health, physical health, and social health. The course covers a comprehensive range of topics including: alcohol and drugs, exercise and fitness, gender identity, general hygiene, healthy relationships, media literacy, nutrition, public health, sexual health, stress management, and wellness. Through discussions and lessons, students learn how the three parts of the health triangle are intertwined and how they can affect one another. Teachers balance the amount of time dedicated to the three aspects of health through the trimester. Teachers also incorporate relevant topics in the news as well as student generated topics. An overarching question that frames the class is “Why is health important?” Throughout the class, students learn about the importance of decision making and how decisions affect their individual health. 
271 Pine Nook Road   |   P. O. Box 7   |    Deerfield, MA 01342   |   413-774-7411