English - Third Form

Third Form English focuses on developing the skills to write clearly, read literature effectively, use grammar correctly, and expand one’s vocabulary. Students learn to annotate literature to help improve reading comprehension and an emphasis is placed on active reading. Throughout the year, students write journals, paragraphs, poems, and short stories with a focus on improving each student’s understanding of grammar, mechanics, and syntax. Vocabulary is studied through literature based words and the Sadlier program. Literature, both fiction and nonfiction, is studied in connection with the era being studied in history as well as the topics learned in science.

Sample of texts used in the Third Form
Tangerine by Edward Bloor
My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George
Hannibal: Rome's Worst Nightmare by A Wicked History
When Zachary Beaver Came to Town by Kimberly Willis Holt
The History of Eaglebrook by Thurston Chase
The Adventure of Ulysses by Bernard Evslin
271 Pine Nook Road   |   P. O. Box 7   |    Deerfield, MA 01342   |   413-774-7411