Junior Varsity 2 soccer vs. Deerfield Academy

It was a crisp sunny Wednesday afternoon and the Eaglebrook junior varsity 2 team and the coaches, Carter Townsend, Miles Harlow, and Nicholas Sadnytzky, walked on the Deerfield Academy playing field. The coaches made the team go through some passing and kicking drills and of course, some stretches. The Deerfield Academy team walked onto the field and went into formation and our Eaglebrook players were a bit intimidated by the sheer size of the DA players. Our young Eagles were holding their own for a while but DA was able to score 2 goals in the first half.

After the first half, the coaches touted that we would be able to defeat this team if we spread out, ran faster, and at all costs avoided the cone of death… Then our huddle broke and the Eaglebrook team went back into formation and was ready to execute our strategy.  Again the ref’s whistle cracked the silence and the Eaglebrook team was able to get the ball and score.  Morale was high but unfortunately, that was short-lived.  DA was able to score 3 more goals and the final score was 1 to 5. 
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271 Pine Nook Road   |   P. O. Box 7   |    Deerfield, MA 01342   |   413-774-7411