Honoring Veterans

Because Eaglebrook is a boarding school, three-day weekends are difficult to come by. A day like Veterans Day, which this year fell on a Tuesday, is nearly impossible to “take off” because of the number of students living on campus. The benefit of holding a class day on the days other schools have off is that we get to talk about the day and what it means.

Veterans Day began with the student body wearing a coat and tie. To adorn the formal dress further, every student and faculty member wore a paper poppy, a tradition common in Britain, to commemorate those who have fallen in wars. Small donations were given in exchange for the poppies, with the funds raised going to veterans associations in the U.S. and Britain. Mr. Mark Mariani gave the Veterans Day assembly. Watch a clip of him talking about what Veterans Day should mean for the students here. Watch the full assembly here.

A few Saturdays ago, Mrs. Emily Luker got a group of students together during the Saturday Morning Activity time to make cards for veterans. The cards were sent out on October 31 and will be going to local American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars organizations in the area. According to Mrs. Luker, the activity, “promoted great conversation of family members who served during our activity time.” See photos of the students with their cards here. A day off is always nice, but it is also important to be together on special days like Veterans Day so that we can talk about what it means to all of us.
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