Banned Books Week

It is Banned Books Week, and there is a display of books that have been banned or challenged in Eaglebrook’s Copley Library. This week, sponsored by the American Library Association, celebrates the freedom to read. “The purpose of the week is to promote freedom of choice in reading” according to Olga Holmberg, head librarian. Books in this country have been banned for containing what some view as questionable content, which can be everything from graphic violence to a perceived promotion of witchcraft. We are lucky, however, that we live in a country where you can read what you want to read without serious consequences to your health and well being. Promoting this week educates the students about the reality of living in places where you don't have that same sense of safety. “We do not censor books,” Ms. Holmberg said. “We make them available. The only people who have a right to ask someone not to read a book is that person’s parent,” she continued. There are many books lining the shelves of Eaglebrook’s Copley Library that have been banned or challenged over the years, but Eaglebrook students are free to borrow them and see for themselves. As Ms. Holmberg says, “It is your right and privilege to read any book you want.” Learn more about the Copley Library at Eaglebrook.
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