Wish List Books in Copley Library

By Olga Holmberg, School Librarian
Wish List books from the Winter Carnival 2016 Book Fair are currently on display in the library and may be signed out. These books are specific titles and/or topics that faculty members have expressed an interest in having available for students in the library. These books range from Rick Riordan’s large format books, The Greek Gods and The Greek Heroes, to The Oxford Anthology of African American Poetry, to Chinese Brush Painting.

All the books have hand-written calligraphy plaques stating in whose honor (it can be in the student’s name) and by which donor, the books were purchased. The Eaglebrook School library is very grateful to these donors for the wonderful books they have added to the library collection this year and in previous years. Learn more about the Eaglebrook School Copley Library.
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