Fourth Formers Connect with NASA Scientist

Earlier this year, Fourth Form Earth Science students in Ms. Celata’s class had the opportunity to zoom with Dr. Ariel Deutsch, NASA Scientist. Prior to meeting with Dr. Deutsch, students studied the solar system, characteristics of the planets, the moon, and did a project learning about past and present NASA research goals. Deutsch began by sharing her background in science, noting that her interest in space did not begin until she had the opportunity to study Mars in college. She shared some of the previous work she had done with NASA, including working on analyzing ice at the lunar poles and studying impact craters on Mercury. She told the class about the VIPER project which she is currently working on - exploring the distribution of lunar water and lunar resources for future human space exploration. Students then had the opportunity to ask questions about Dr. Deutsch's experience with working NASA, her thoughts on extraterrestrial life, advice for upcoming scientists, and her thoughts and theories about the future for humans in space. Speaking with Dr. Deutsch was certainly inspiring for our students and continued to come up throughout the rest of the term as we deepened our own understanding of space. 
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